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  • Eventloop orchestrates outgoing/incoming packets concurrently and handles the state
  • Pings the broker when necessary and detects client side half open connections as well
  • Throttling of outgoing packets (todo)
  • Queue size based flow control on outgoing packets
  • Automatic reconnections by just continuing the eventloop.poll()/connection.iter() loop
  • Natural backpressure to client APIs during bad network
  • Support for WebSockets
  • Secure transport using TLS

In short, everything necessary to maintain a robust connection

Since the eventloop is externally polled (with iter()/poll() in a loop) out side the library and Eventloop is accessible, users can

  • Distribute incoming messages based on topics
  • Stop it when required
  • Access internal state for use cases like graceful shutdown or to modify options before reconnection

Important notes

Looping on connection.iter()/eventloop.poll() is necessary to run the event loop and make progress. It yields incoming and outgoing activity notifications which allows customization as you see fit.

Blocking inside the connection.iter()/eventloop.poll() loop will block connection progress.


Synchronous publish and subscribe

use rumqttc::{MqttOptions, Client, QoS};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread;

let mut mqttoptions = MqttOptions::new("rumqtt-sync", "", 1883);

let (mut client, mut connection) = Client::new(mqttoptions, 10);
client.subscribe("hello/rumqtt", QoS::AtMostOnce).unwrap();
thread::spawn(move || for i in 0..10 {
client.publish("hello/rumqtt", QoS::AtLeastOnce, false, vec![i; i as usize]).unwrap();

// Iterate to poll the eventloop for connection progress
for (i, notification) in connection.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Notification = {:?}", notification);

Asynchronous publish and subscribe

use rumqttc::{MqttOptions, AsyncClient, QoS};
use tokio::{task, time};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::error::Error;

let mut mqttoptions = MqttOptions::new("rumqtt-async", "", 1883);

let (mut client, mut eventloop) = AsyncClient::new(mqttoptions, 10);
client.subscribe("hello/rumqtt", QoS::AtMostOnce).await.unwrap();

task::spawn(async move {
for i in 0..10 {
client.publish("hello/rumqtt", QoS::AtLeastOnce, false, vec![i; i as usize]).await.unwrap();

while let Ok(notification) = eventloop.poll().await {
println!("Received = {:?}", notification);

For more examples, please check out rumqttc on GitHub