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rumqttd can be configured with a configuration TOML file, rumqttd.toml by default.

It must have [router] and a server configuration, others are optional and can be specified as per requirement.

router configuration

Following fields must be specified in config file under [router]:

NameDescriptionPossible values
max_connectionsNumber of connections allowed at onceusize
max_outgoing_packet_countMax number of packets router can send to a subscription at a timeu64
max_segment_sizeSegments are used to store the published messages. This controls maximum size a segment can have ( in bytes )usize
max_segment_countMaximum number of segments in memory apart from active ones.usize

additionally, this optional field can also be specified:

NameDescriptionPossible values
shared_subscriptions_strategystrategy to be used by shared subscription"sticky", "roundrobin", "random"
initialized_filtersInitialize this filters by creating DataLog for them. Generally, Datalog is created when a subscription is made, without datalog, published message to that filter are dropped.List of filters to be initialized
custom_segmentConfiguring some particular filter's segments. Any filters that match to configured filter will have custom segment sizeMap for different filters refer below for more

for configuring custom_segments per filter, table syntax of TOML can be used, i.e. specify values under [router.custom_segment.'_INSERT_FILTER_HERE_' .

for example:

max_connections = 10010
max_outgoing_packet_count = 200
max_segment_size = 104857600
max_segment_count = 10

# Optional fields
shared_subscriptions_strategy = "random"
initialized_filters = ["create/datalog", "for/+/plz"]

max_segment_size = 102400
max_segment_count = 2
max_segment_size = 51200
max_segment_count = 2

server configuration

Server can either be MQTTv3.11 ( [v4.x] ) or MQTTv5 ( [v5.x] ). We can spawn multiple servers listening of different ports like [v4.1] , [v4.2] , [v5.1] , etc.

configuration fields:


NameDescriptionPossible value
nameName for the serverstring
listenAddress of the server which will be used for connectionstring
next_connection_delay_msDelay in millis between two consecutive connectionsu64
connectionsConfiguration for connections(see [v4.x.connections])
tls (optional)TLS certificates to be usedPath to certificates ( see example )


NameDescriptionPossible Values
connection_timeout_msConnection timeout in millisecondsu16
max_payload_sizeMaximum payload size allowed in MQTT packetusize
max_inflight_countMaximum unacked packets ( inflight packets ) broker can have at a timeusize
dynamic_filterDynamically create datalog for filters if it doesn't exists. Otherwise messages publish to that topic are dropped. Datalogs are created when there is a subscription to that filterbool
authAuthentication data to be used when a client connectsMap of username ( client ids ) and password

for example:

# Configuration of server and connections that it accepts
name = "v4-1"
listen = ""
next_connection_delay_ms = 1
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 100
dynamic_filters = true
# auth = { user1 = "p@ssw0rd", user2 = "password" }
# [v4.1.connections.auth]
# user1 = "p@ssw0rd"
# user2 = "password"

# [v4.2]
# name = "v4-2"
# listen = ""
# next_connection_delay_ms = 10
# # tls config for rustls
# [v4.2.tls]
# capath = "/etc/tls/ca.cert.pem"
# certpath = "/etc/tls/server.cert.pem"
# keypath = "/etc/tls/server.key.pem"
# # settings for all the connections on this server
# [v4.2.connections]
# connection_timeout_ms = 60000
# throttle_delay_ms = 0
# max_payload_size = 20480
# max_inflight_count = 100
# max_inflight_size = 1024

similarly, if we want to configure server with MQTTv5:

name = "v5-1"
listen = ""
next_connection_delay_ms = 1
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 100


Websockets can be configured the same as TCP server like [ws.x] . By default, websockets will use MQTTv3.11 ( v4 ), we can't change it as of now, but it will soon be configurable.

name = "ws-1"
listen = ""
next_connection_delay_ms = 1
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_client_id_len = 256
throttle_delay_ms = 0
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 500
max_inflight_size = 1024

# [ws.2]
# name = "ws-2"
# listen = ""
# next_connection_delay_ms = 1
# [ws.2.tls]
# capath = "/etc/tls/ca.cert.pem"
# certpath = "/etc/tls/server.cert.pem"
# keypath = "/etc/tls/server.key.pem"
# [ws.2.connections]
# connection_timeout_ms = 60000
# max_client_id_len = 256
# throttle_delay_ms = 0
# max_payload_size = 20480
# max_inflight_count = 500
# max_inflight_size = 1024

Configure prometheus

For prometheus, we need to configure address it listens on and the interval ( in seconds ) by which it sends metrics to it.

listen = ""
interval = 1


Console is used for debugging purposes, we need to specify address on which it listens for requests. see console

listen = ""


Control how frequently ( in seconds ) we push alerts / meters . See Collecting Metrics to know more about these metrics.

push_interval = 1
push_interval = 1


configuration for setting up rumqttd in bridge setup.

name = "bridge-1"
addr = "localhost:1883"
qos = 0
sub_path = "#"
reconnection_delay = 5
ping_delay = 5
timeout_delay = 5
connection_timeout_ms = 60000
max_payload_size = 20480
max_inflight_count = 500
dynamic_filters = true
ca = "ca.cert.pem"
client_auth = { certs = "test-1.cert.pem", key = "test-1.key.pem" }